Monday, November 27, 2006

Gen X Sucking

Why. Why did Chris change up his style? Why did Lobdell leave? Why is Joe Q such a turd? Ok, I guess Joe Q had nothing to do with the failure of Gen X back in the late 90's but I still like to blame things on him.

All was well up until about issue 25; not about, exactly issue 25 in fact. On this 25th anniversary issue the hints to Bachelo's change in style are vague and few. I didn't even notice it until I went back to look at it after reading subsequent issues. I've never seen such a immediate and stark change in artistic style, especially in someone whom I've held in such high ranks of comic book artdom. Issue 26 features a guest artist, then 27 features the new, un-improved Bachelo. It seems decent at first, the wacky Bachelo-isms, the disregard for realism, things I love about him. With Bachelo it never seemed forced. It never seemed like he was purposely trying to abstract things and fill the page with the surreal; it just came natural. Natural abstraction, if there is such a thing. But here I see the work of someone who doesn't care anymore, like he has a quota to fill.

I would like to know more about the politics of business surrounding and affecting the creators during this time period. In my, albeit uneducated, mind I feel like this was a tumultuous time for Marvel studios: the late 90's. Things were falling apart internally, I think they went bankrupt at some point around here... let me confirm that. Wikipedia says so-- it must be true. Though it doesn't tell me the date, it says "they escaped from bankruptcy" in 2000. So anyway, I'm guessing this had an effect on everyone involved in the business, and in our immediate concern, Bachelo and Lobdell.

So Lobdell leaves in issue 28, and Bachello is not far behind. So here I am stuck on issue 33 with 3 more issues to read in my collection of the series, and I'm not sure I can do it. Its not that the issues are exceptionally bad, but comparatively, its just not the same. But I will do it. I promise. For you.

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