Thursday, November 02, 2006

The first mutation of the purpose

I've decided to include a television show as available criteria to write about. Someone might say i should change the name of the journal, but I wont. This television show I bought on ebay, the place where you can always hope to get something great for cheap. Well it turned out to be a bootleg, and, astute as I thought I was, I never saw it coming-- until after I relooked at the listing. Here's a website I went to that helped me realize i had bought a bootleg: Anyway the bootleg is near perfect and I can't tell any difference so far, I gave the guy positive feedback but linked to a bootleg awareness site in my feedback. Here's the weird part, I felt like I should help inform the people he's pirating, but that makes me a hypocrite. I was just mad because I wanted the official Bandai version that I thought I was getting. But since I don't really care when it comes down to it: prepare for Cowboy Bebop!

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