Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cowboy Bebop: Jamming with Edward

This is my favorite episode of Bebop. One of them anyway, I like Edward, even though this androgynous weirdo is the kind of anime character that I hate in other anime. Anime for example like FLCL; I can't really get into that. Its not really the over-the-top cartoonyness, its more because of those kind of standard anime conventions, jokes, and attitudes; too fast editing, then skipping over parts of the story that you might not need explained to you if you were raised within that culture, or watch enough of it to understand.

Ed seems like a character that might be out of FLCL, but I still like her. Jamming with Edward is the episode in which the crew of the Bebop finds Ed. Actually Ed finds them, apparently she has been tracking their exploits, and finds them sufficiently capable of maintaining her interests despite a severe case of ADD.

I haven't been watching the episodes in complete order because I've seen some of them so many times, and others none at all. I'm just going through the ones I've seen only once or twice, and haven't even gotten to the ones (later in the series, up to the end) that I've never seen.

Oh, plus, the music is great. They released like a five disc boxed set of the soundtrack that I once downloaded. It's full of winners, and a few unmentionables. Its a great soundtrack to sitting around doing nothing, or maybe reading comics. I'm hungry. Breakfast.

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