Monday, November 20, 2006

War of the Twins in Two Paragraphs

It occurs to me that I haven't posted on War of the Twins since I finished the other book. Well here's a brief rundown on whats going on. After the Cataclysm, Caramon, Chrysania and Raistlin/Fistandantilus were transported by Raist's spell to 100 years later. Still 200+ years before their own time. Tas, feared dead by many, including me, was taken to the abyss by Takhisis unintentionally, along with the cornerstone of the tower of Istar, which would later be supplanted in Neraka in a perverted form.

Raist realizes that the portal through which he hope he could cross into the realm of the Gods, and kill the Dark Queen Takhisis, is not there; there where it would be some 200 years later. Caramon, Chrysiana, and Raistlin travel from the Tower of Palanthas south along the lands of Solamnia in search of the portal at its new location. This new location being below some place owned by dwarves. Through some events I wont bother with, Caramon and Raist take command of an army of thousands. This army marches towards the Dwarves to do battle, but Raistlin's true purpose is to reach the portal. Yadda yadda yadda, Raistlin gets stabbed... AND NOW I HAVE TO GO READ THAT PART.

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