Thursday, November 02, 2006

Age of Apocalypse review part I

Reading the series in its whole once again cements in my mind that which was already cemented seven feet thick to begin with, the Age of Apocalypse epic is the single greatest work of writing, nay all of art & entertainment, ever to come out of humankind. The story is so huge, yet broken down into perfect increments that allow you to absorb what's happening up to, and no more than, exactly the point of saturation. Here's a sort of breakdown, feel free to skip if you are as cool as me and already know. There are several different branches of the storyline (eight I think
) that are all part of the same tree. Effectively, each branch is a four-issue-long mini series (derived from existing series' prior to the AoA, merging back into themselves after the AoA; but don't even worry about that), and each mini series describes the tale of one important facet to the overall story.

I'm bored of writing for now so I will continue this tale later.

Also, since I finished AoA I've had a little time to start reading War of the Twins once again; I thought I may have lost interest in it, but just a few pages reminds me of how cool it is. Prepare for further postage.

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