Friday, December 15, 2006

Y The Last Man: Kimono Dragons

Y is one of those comics that I have to read in bulk, or else I get confused and lose interest.  I read the first 5 tpbs in one sitting about a year ago, and started subscribing to the monthly.  After which, one serving per month was not satisfying my Y urge, so I just quit reading them and let the issues pile up in my box..... until today!  I started with the begginning of the Komono Dragons storyline, which was issue 42... 44 something like that.  Yorick and company, which now includes Agent 355, Dr. Alison Mann, and Rose.  Yorick's monkey, Ampersand has been monkeynapped by the ninja, Toyota, and Yorick is on his trail (along with 355) thanks to the tracking device they have.  Ampersand has been brought to Japan by Toyota, but he escapes and jumps out a window. He ends up in the possession of a Canadian pop-star who had somehow been appointed as the head of the Yakuza, due to the fact that she was touring in Japan at the time, and happens to be extremely rich.  Anyway, Yorick and 355 figure this out, and head up to the top floor of some building to rescue Amp, which they do. And the pop star dies. Maybe she doesn't, I don't remember.  Meanwhile Alison and Rose head to Alison's mother's house/lab to find it has been burned to the ground.  Fast forward a couple of plot moving events that I don't feel like relaying, and we learn that Dr. Mann's father is alive, and is in fact the cause of the plague.  We learn that he was competing with his daughter to bring the first cloned human baby to term, and he sabatoged the efforts of his daughter to do the same thing.  Oh by the way, the entire Mann family are brilliant bio-geneticist-sergeons.  So: these events are shocking for 3 reasons, number one, Yorick was supposedly the only male who survived the plague, besides Ampersand.  Number two, Alison's father admits he is the cause of the plague which killed every male creature on earth.  Number three, it is revealed that males, and the Y chromosome in general, had only one evolutionary purpose, which is to perpetuate the species.  And the sex is, in his words, a necessary evil.  Actually, WAS, because now, since the first human was cloned, humans have gained the power of asexual reproduction. Ergo, the males of the species are no longer relevant to human survival, and mother nature has wiped them clean from the face of the earth.  Althought this raises the question, why did ALL the males have to die, and not just Human males?  But I'm not thinking very hard and I'm sure Brian K. Vaughn will have the answer, he is a dgenius after all.

Oh also, Mann's father has captured everyone and plans to kill Yorick and himself, because he truly believes males are obsolete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having just finished reading this run of Y myself, I feel I am in an excellent position to say that this was a supurb summary. Also, we must remember that not ALL males have died, only male mammals. That said, I imagine if it ever came up we would find out male birds were dead too. I don't know why, but I think that is how it worked.