Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Comics! Generation X

I mentioned that I would be posting about novels and comics, so here is my first comic post.

So I have a mission. The mission is to read every comic I own before I move out west, and leave them all behind. I have three long boxes and two short boxes full, which is something in the vicinity of 750 or so, i think. Rough estimate; I guess we'll know when I'm done, because I plan on recording all of them as i go.

So I've decided to start with Generation X, a series I used to love as a much younger man, I was 12 when the first issue came out in 1994. Half the age I am now and I still find it entertaining. Chris Bachelo is possibly my favorite artist, and Scott Lobdell is a great 90's writer. I love 90's comics, a fie on the naysayers. Anyway, all I've read so far is issue 1, with a great color foil wraparound cover, not TOO much of a gimmick, comparatively. Here we are introduced to the main players, a few of whom we know already (already meaning prior to November 1994). Sean Cassidy, the Banshee, and Emma Frost, the White Queen, are the two Headmasters of this "next generation" of Students of Xavier's Dream. Most of the students are between 13-19, the age I empathized with most back then, and still do pretty much since I haven't really matured all that much in a dozen years. I won't bore you with descriptions of each of the characters, im going on the assumption that I'm the only one reading this, and that I already know what I, well, already know. (did that make sense? yes.) But I will explain that it is here we first meet the mutant Chamber, whom I'm pretty sure they had big plans for, but I notice he is conspicuously absent in the present day marvel universe (I think?). When he arrives at the airport, Emplate, an evil mutant who sucks the life out of mutants for sustenance attacks and the team must learn to pull together to fend him off, and "rescue" Jonathon Starsmore, aka Chamber. That's about it for issue one, and now I will go read two.

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