Monday, January 29, 2007

Dragonlance: The Second Generation

God, I'm such a slow reader. I think it takes me longer to read a short story compilation, rather than a full novel. Anyway, I'm glad I finally finished The Second Generation because I've been dying to start The Summer Flame. I have the hardcover, and its been sitting on my shelf like "why did you buy me if you're not going to read me?" Well your time has come.

The Second Generation is a group of short stories which is supposed to acclimate the readers to the upcoming 'chronal advancement' that will be taking place in the DL universe. Most of the novels have been limited to the "War of the Lance" time frame, or earlier. So now we move on to see what's happening to the World of Krynn, apres the defeat of the Evil Queen. YES.

The truth is, the time shift I am speaking of in the present tense actually happend back in 1994 when the book was published. In other words, I am by no means up to date with the 2007 version of the Dragonlance universe.

We have now met the offspring of most of the original Companions, and we have been set up to their positions relative to the future of the world (i.e. series). Caramon's older sons are in line to become Knights of Solamnia. His younger son has passed the Mage's test. The son of Tanis Half-Elven, and Laurana has inadvertantly become Speaker of the Suns, the elf equivilent of Emperor of the Elves. And lastly Sturm's son has become one of the evil Knights of Takhisis, the latter seem to be staged as the prominent villians in the upcoming books.

All of the stories were entertaining and worthwhile. My problem is, I get too attatched to a given tale, and when it's over, it takes a while for my interest to rebuild for the new story. Dragons of Summer Flame, at 552 pages, should manage to keep me occupied.

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