Thursday, September 07, 2006

Time of the Twins p. 99-121

I only read twenty pages (so far) today, but now I'm distracted, and excited to post about it anyway. As a quick backstory, up to page 99 we are re-introduced to many of the characters from the previous trilogy, "Chronicles." Raistlin the evil mage, Astinus the librarian/record keeper, Bertrem, assistant of Astinus, Kitiara, the dragon overlord, Lord Soth, the apparation of a former Solamnic Knight turned evil,Tanis Half-Elven, Riverwind the plainsman, his wife, the cleric Goldmoon, Otik the bar owner, Tika the warrior-waitress, wife of Caramon, the once heroic warrior legend, turned drunken fool. And of course, Tas the Kender. We are also introduced to Crysania the, apparently "chosen" cleric of paladine.

Crysania meets with Raistlin hoping she can sway him from the dark and evil ways, and turn his powers to good. Soon realizing how daunting this task will be, she travels from Palanthas to Solace, guided by Tanis and Riverwind. Here she hopes to enlist the help of Caramon, who will guide her to one of the towers of High Sorcerery in the Forest of Wayreth, but finds him in drunken dissaray. She takes matters into her own hands and quests on alone. Tika, sends Caramon and Tasselhoff after her. They eventually find her in the woods and are attacked and nearly killed by Draconians, led by the ghost Lord Soth.

Meanwhile, back in his own Tower of High Sorcerery, Raistlin is alerted to these events by the Live Ones, and through the power of a magic "pool of seeing," he takes control of the Gully Dwarf Bupu, and brings Crysania back to life. Here we meet Dalamar, the dark-elf apprentice to Raistlin.

Dalamar has a secret he wants to keep from Raistlin, which is, evidently, that he was sent to spy, or keep tabs on the powerful mage. In fact, Raistlin happens to be the most powerful mage in all of Krynn. Its interesting that Crysania, a follower of good has fallen in love with Raist, and conversely, he seems to have a unique attraction to her, an attraction that we haven't seen in any of the other novels. Granted, Raistlin has need of her powers. In his quest for complete power, he is denied access to a room in the Tower, that can only be opened by "one of great and poewrful magic and one of true holy powers (121)." Raist is most certainly that, and we'll see if Crysania will turn out to be, though I guess it is implied thus far.

Finally a glimpse into Raistlin's laboratory. He has been performing all sorts of bizzare, twisted and evil experiments. The Live Ones are particularly intriguing. "Wretched creatures mistakenly created by magic gone awry (112)," the Live Ones are misshapen piles of various human body parts, bleeding and oozing fluids on the floor, eternally dammned to gaze over the pool of seeing, and report to their master. Also referenced are the Dead Ones, but only in brief, I look forward to their appearence.

Well thats enough for know, next time I will try to minimize the exposition and get more in depth with analyzation, but who knows. Good first post team.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things I read

This blog will attempt to document my reading habits so that I can become more involved in the process of reading. It will, hopefully, serve to encourage me to read more regularly. The reading material will include both books, and comics, initially.

Right now, for books I am reading the "Legends" trilogy by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. I have recently finished the precedeing trilogy, "Chronicles". I am about 100 pages into the first volume, entitled, "Time of the Twins."

For comics, I would like to focus on reading some of the books I bought several months ago and haven't read yet. This includes "Lone Wolf 2100," "Solo," "X-Statix," and possibly some "Usagi Yojimbo." These titles may sometimes be preempted for other books as I see fit. Tomorrow I hope to start my first official blog entry sometime after my designated reading-period, which will be, oh say 5:30. Right after the Simpsons. Good bye now magical computer, and/or alien audience.